The 10 Best WordPress SEO Tips for 2017

We know there’s no way you’d use last year’s SEO strategies – right?

Check out our list of the top 10 WordPress SEO tips for 2017 to soar to the top of search engine results.

1. Don’t Wing It

76% of businesses are using SEO and other forms of content marketing to boost traffic to their sites – but only 37% say their strategies are effective.

The number 1 WordPress SEO tip we have: write your plan down, create a schedule for postings, do meticulous keyword research, and make sure you’re adding your company’s voice to popular industry topics/news.

Not only will having a plan hold you accountable – it will ensure your SEO strategy is actually working. It’s not something you can just do on the fly.

2. Get Google Analytics

Imagine if you had a tool that told you where your traffic came from, your most popular landing pages, alerted you to broken links, and more – you’d probably jump at the chance, right?

Google Analytics is an intuitive, easy-to-use platform that’s a 1-stop shopping centre for data about your web traffic.

3. Optimize Your Themes

FYI – another major WordPress SEO tip is to use your WordPress theme as part of your plan. Use keywords in meta tags, headings, HTML, and other theme coding to maximize this opportunity.

4. Get SEO Plugins

WordPress Plugins will create an XML sitemap of your site, remind you to add Meta tags, titles and keywords, and will even give you a preview of your Google Search ranking.

They’re a great addition to your WordPress site when it comes to giving you fast content analysis.

5. Make Sure Your Content Is Shareable

In the past year alone, nearly 30 million people signed up for a new account on a social media platform.

Make sure you include easy-to-use buttons at the end of your blog posts, create hashtags relating to your company, and engage with your users in the comments section of your articles.

More eyes on your page is always a good thing!

6. Get Good Content

Not everyone has the gift of writing – one of the best WordPress SEO tips is to hire qualified, professional writers to seamlessly incorporate keywords into your content. You can hire them full-time or just work on a contract basis.

7. Use Videos

A creative WordPress SEO tip is this gentle reminder that sometimes, people get tired of walls of text – not only are videos highly shareable, they’re also a great way to show off your products and deliver information fast.

No WordPress SEO tips list would be complete without a nod to links – make sure you’re linking back to your own site (linking on keywords is a great idea) as well as to external pages.

Doing so boosts your credibility and your rankings.

9. Back Up Your Claims

If you’re including statistics in your SEO-optimized content, make sure you’re sourcing them from reputable, known websites – but whatever you do, don’t link to a competitor’s page!

10. Create A Sitemap

A sometimes overlooked WordPress SEO tip, a sitemap tells Google how your site is structured so that it can be indexed – meaning that your rankings will rise and your target market will find your site faster.

This Is Your Year, Thanks To These WordPress SEO Tips

Now that you’re empowered with these killer WordPress SEO tips, you’re ready to make this your most productive year ever.

For more tips, tricks, and offers of professional insight and services that can maximize your site’s productivity, check out our blog.