5 Amazing WordPress Facts Everyone Should Know

WordPress has been constantly gaining popularity and a lot of website owners are switching to it and making it their reliable Content Management System (CMS). You might be wondering that WordPress is everywhere and everyone’s first choice. So it has always been the most reliable management system for our website and data.

But there are a lot of things you might not be knowing about WordPress. We have listed out some interesting and amazing facts about WordPress and its functioning which might actually amaze you. For starters WordPress is not owned by anyone. Read the list and have fun!

Powering over 30% of websites on the internet, WordPress is undisputedly the most popular content management system. Blogs, Ecommerce websites, portfolios, Corporate business websites, Creative Artists and a lot more types of websites are built with WordPress as their platform.

2. WordPress is Absolutely Free

Now that’s a fact we all are aware of. But there’s more to that fact than what we know. The individual parts of services like hosting, domain names, themes, Premium WordPress Plugins which are essential for the website covers up the freely downloadable piece of software that is WordPress.

But if you want to Do it all yourself, you will need a high end developer for solving any kind of troubleshooting issues or to customize WordPress according to your Website needs.

WordPress is absolutely free and so are our best plugins. Install them and boost your website.

Link: https://demo.wponlinesupport.com/

3. There’s Plugins For Everything

No matter what ideas you have for your website or whatever functionality you want your website to perform, you will easily be able to do it with the help of plugins available in the WordPress Plugins repository. All you have to do is search for the purpose and various plugin options can be readily available in the plugin repository.

With nearly 50,000 free plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory, you can have any type of plugins for your website. You can look for premium plugins at Codecanyon if that’s what you want for your website.

And we got plugins for your every website needs. From image sliders to logo showcase, 36+ Utility plugins, Slider plugins and a lot more.

Link: https://wponlinesupport.com/plugins/

4. Importance of Proper Website Hosting

Before everything comes the hosting. Hosting can be reduced to two types – Shared Hosting & Dedicated Hosting. Get informed about both the types depending on your website needs.

Shared hosting is the most common one and it’s what you usually see on the internet while the dedicated hosting as the name suggests is used by the websites which have a huge business or don’t want to share the server with anyone.

Depending on the website’s preference, they can opt for dedicated WordPress managed hosting services or any third party hosting services which can allocate enough resources to the website on a dedicated basis.

5. Premium Themes Over Free Themes

With greater support, regular and frequent updates and better maintenance, Premium themes have a massive advantage over the free themes which lack maintenance and regular updates. The premium themes have clean codes and flexible structures with immaculate functionality in addition to a good design and better appearance.

But extensive research is a must before purchasing a premium theme. Huge marketplaces like Themeforest, Creative Market all have thousands of themes by individual developers with constant support and updates.

Final Thoughts

Amazed right? Yeah, there’s much more to discover and know about WordPress. We will come up with other WordPress facts till then, let us know some facts you discovered about WordPress in the comment section.