7 Best WordPress Plugins For Blogs in 2020

Blogs are undoubtedly an important type of website which helps you convey your thoughts and share your knowledge to the world. When you make a blogging website with your entire heart, wouldn’t you want it to be the best with the best tools available to help it reach millions of people? Today we are going to talk about those tools which will be a ladder for you and your website to flourish and succeed.

Why You Should Use Plugins For Your Blogs?

Plugins are the major component of a website that adds values and features to it by improving the functionality of your website. You must be wondering but why would I want plugins for a mere blogging website.

Plugins can be very helpful for everyone from someone who has made a blogging website as a hobby to someone who is a passionate blogger who earns a living doing it. Be it a fashion blog, a scientific blog, travel blog, lifestyle blog, fitness blog, Food blog, news blog, or personal blog, plugins can be very beneficial to manage any kind of website.

The plugins which are listed here and most of the plugins can be used for any website but these plugins are a must for a blog website as they can drastically help you with the blogging experience. These listed plugins can help you enhance the user appearance as well as the readability of your blogs.

  1. Yoast SEO
  2. WP Blog & Widget
  3. Blog Designer Post and Widget
  4. ShortPixel
  5. Simple Social Media Buttons
  6. WP Responsive Recent Post Slider
  7. MonsterInsights

After you make your very own blogging website, the first thing that you are gonna need is enticing and engaging content, we will leave that to you. Once you have finalized your content and set to publish your blogs/articles you are going to need a WordPress plugin that can help you make your content rank higher on search engines. So with that in mind, we recommend you.

1. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO contains everything that you need to manage your SEO. Being the most used WordPress SEO plugin, it has helped millions of websites in SEO and managing their content in terms of relevancy and ranking.

Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/

We know how tiring it can be to dedicate time to publish blogs with the conventional style of WordPress, we recommend you our top rated plugin which will help you create and post your blogs easily and in an efficient way.

2. WP Blog & Widget

WP Blog and Widget plugin adds a Custom type blog post and blog widget to your WordPress website which is very important for a blogger since a blog widget would help them surf your content in a better way.

This plugin displays a special blog tab on your admin panel which makes it easier for you to upload new blogs or edit them just like your regular posts.

WP Blog and widgets manage and displays blogs, data archives, and widget on your website. You can display the latest blog posts on your homepage/frontpage as well as on your other desired web pages.

This plugin will make your blogging experience much smoother and easier so that you won’t find it a tiring job to create new blog posts.

Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-blog-and-widgets/

Now that you know how easier it can be to create and publish your blogs but you might be thinking of changing the layout of your blog, you might have some unique designs and format, try this one out

3. Blog Designer – Post And Widget

This is exactly the plugin you will be needing a lot since it’s necessary to portray the blogs in such a way that increases its readability and how it looks and feels. The Blog designer post and widget plugin will help your blog posts to slide and display in a fancy way that gains maximum attraction from the website visitors.

With a wide variety of options to modify and design your blog posts, you will be able to change the blog layout and blog template the way you want. Blog Designer & Widget Plugin can be the most effective solution for your blogs.

The blog designer post and widget plugin slides and grids the blog posts in two different designs and blog templates. It helps in enhancing your website page with effective design options. You can start blogging now and display your latest blogs in a more creative way using the plugin.

Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/blog-designer-for-post-and-widget/

Along with the content of the blogs, their design, and layout, you are also going to upload images to them. We all want to upload high-resolution images so that it will enhance the quality of the blog but it will also increase the loading speed of your website making your visitors lose interest, so it is necessary to have an image optimization plugin that helps to optimize your images without tampering its resolution.

4. ShortPixel

With ShortPixel, optimize your images and PDF documents so that it can help you increase your website’s SEO ranking, the number of visitors, and ultimately your sales.

ShortPixel is an easy use & lightweight image optimization plugin that can compress all your images and PDF documents with a single click. All the new images are automatically resized/rescaled and optimized in the background.

ShortPixel offers glossy JPEG image compression of very high quality so you won’t have to worry about the image’s quality. Also, it is compatible with any type of gallery plugin, slider, or eCommerce plugin.

By optimizing your images and the images on your website, it would be easier for your page to load faster and it is directly connected with ranking higher with more traffic on your website.

Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/shortpixel-image-optimiser/

Wouldn’t you want your content to reach more audiences all across the globe and what better way to share it than social media?

5. Simple Social Media Share Buttons

It is always better to have a very strong presence on social media and displaying them on your website would be even better as that would help your readers to connect with you on a closer and personal level. Increasing interaction with your visitors and readers would help imprint a long-lasting impression on them.

With social icons, they will be able to share your article thereby widening your audience and your content can be shared across popular platforms.

With this plugin, you can customize the social buttons changing their appearance, location on the website. Having social media buttons on a blogging website means improving your blogging experience as well as your audience so it becomes a must on your website.

Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-social-buttons/

When you’re an avid blogger who constantly updates blogs, this is the plugin you should be having. Showing off your recent post in a slider form will help your visitors know which is the latest post of yours and will tend to interact with it more. This way, your recent post will receive the attention it needs.

6. WP Responsive Recent Post Slider

WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/Carousel plugin displays your recent WordPress posts using post slider carousel. It lets you add and display attractive & highly customizable recent post carousels with excerpts and appealing designs.

With this plugin, you can makeover your website with 4 extraordinary slider designs and a post carousel design for showcasing your latest posts and blogs in an attractive and professional way.

WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/Carousel lets you create an unlimited number of posts sliders on a single page or post with various options like category, limit, and navigation type which is completely touched and swipe support.

Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-responsive-recent-post-slider/

Creating blogs wouldn’t be enough when you have a blogging website, you have to take care of a lot of things like the traffic, the relevance and all the data which you will be needing, MonsterInsights is a recommended WordPress plugin for analyzing those data.

7. MonsterInsights

To get proper analytics of the data of your website like traffic information and other minute details that could help you in improving your content and customize it according to their needs, MonsterInsights are used. This plugin is developed by the developers of Yoast so you don’t have to worry about it being reliable.

MonsterInsights make it much easier for beginners to analyze data. It is famous for simplifying advanced analytical implementation to track the data and understand them better.

Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/

Final Thoughts

There are thousands of plugins that can be helpful in your blogging journey but these are the must have WordPress Plugins that will enhance your blog website drastically in terms of content, reachability, ranking, appearance and readability. Download these plugins and start blogging now.