An Essential Guide To Converting PSD To WordPress Theme

Every day, 50,000+ new WordPress sites are being made with numerous websites made active as we speak, How are you going to stand out from the crowd in an ocean of so many websites? One sure method of immediately attracting attention can be to create your own, unique, custom theme with your personalized ideas and thought process which isn’t one of the thousands of cookie-cutter sites out there!

That can be possible when you visualize your website ideas and create try to replicate this amazing visualization

What is a PSD?

PSD is short for PhotoShop Design.

Adobe Photoshop is a single piece of software that is very popular with graphic designers and how most WordPress website designs are created. Using Photoshop, a designer will create a unique website design for you. This will be saved as a Photoshop design file, or a PSD file. This design can then be given to WordPress developers who will turn this into a theme.

Conversion Of PSD to WordPress

A PSD (.psd) template is a design file created by the use of Adobe Photoshop software. Photoshop is one of the most widely used graphics editings and designing software.

So, you have already got a nice design that you want to implement on your website. But the problem is that the design is in PSD format and you have no idea how to convert it into a WordPress web design.

Convert PSD to WordPress Responsive Theme

PSD to WordPress means converting a PSD-based design into a fully functional Responsive WordPress Website. When a PSD to WordPress Expert converts your PSD file into a Responsive WordPress Website then that service is called PSD to WordPress Service and this whole process is known as PSD to WordPress Conversion.

Convert PSD to WordPress in 5 Easy Steps

1. Slice Your PSD File

In terms of our PSD to WordPress, “Slicing” is the first and foremost part of the entire PSD to the responsive WordPress conversion process. The term “slicing” might seem quite confusing to you at first, but don’t worry too much about it.

Slicing refers to cutting and dividing a single image file into multiple image files, each of which contains different design elements of the whole design.

Some people refer to those as splicing because it is creating separate elements from a single design “organism” which will eventually be rearranged or synthesized and morphed into a complete design.

This is crucial since you can’t code a template/theme from a single image design file.

Therefore, to design a web page, you first need to slice the main image file into many individual image files and then sew them together seamlessly.

2. Code the Slices

Next, you need to code the slices into the right place. This is called ‘coding the board’.

Essentially, it’s like a big jigsaw puzzle of sliced PSDs. Developers use HTML to develop a blueprint of where stuff will go, then use CSS to actually hold it in place.

3. Creating the right templates

When you do a PSD to WordPress conversion, you’re basically creating a custom website.

WordPress theme, and then uploading it to WordPress. So you need to turn your coded slices into specifically coded slices that WordPress is used to, called templates.

This way, when you upload your custom design to WordPress, it can understand it and put the right stuff in the right place.

Templates are different standardized files that WordPress will recognize and let you use the CMS to its full capacity. These are different sections to the site, saved as PHP files.

This includes major chunks like Header, Footer, Index, Category, and Search. This involves converting your HTML slices into PHP files and saving them accordingly.

4. Extra Added Functionality

Odds are, your PSDs don’t cover all the core functionality of your site, and you don’t want a developer to go and write code for every little thing. That’s where WordPress comes in.You can use the code that’s already there to add all the special extras that make a great site.

But to make sure they get to the right place, you need to tag where each thing is supposed to go with an inbuilt WordPress tag. The CMS will do the rest, saving you time and money.

At this point, your site has moved out of code and Adobe and is now fully integrated into WordPress. For the most part, changes from here on out will be used by the WordPress interface.

5. Final Step: Testing its Functionality

Lastly, you want to make sure it works in all browsers, is compatible with all devices, and add in any extra functionality that might be missing. This is where plugins really shine, which you can access through WordPress.

PSD to WordPress conversion is a complex task and one that’s essential to do well for a powerful, functional site. It’s easy for a poor conversion to make a site hard to manage and dysfunctional to use.

That’s why we recommend you hire a pro to help you make the conversion. It’s a little money now to save you a LOT of headaches later.

Looking for help with your PSD to WordPress conversion? Get in touch to see if our service is right for you!

Experts In WordPress Development

At WP OnlineSupport, we aim to give WordPress solutions that can be tailored to any business’s model and all industry verticals. Our team can provide custom WordPress development solutions & services including plugin development, theme development, and maintenance services. Getting started with WordPress is easy when you choose WP Onlinesupport professional development services, tailored to flexibly work around your business requirements.

Hire PSD to WordPress Conversion Experts

WP OnlineSupport is one of the leading WordPress service providers offering an ultimate PSD to WordPress conversion services. Our team of professional developers strives hard to convert PSD designs to WordPress website development, ensuring the website loads quickly and follows W3C standards.

WP Online Support has acquired a significant position to offer top-class, custom-made, SEO-friendly, and feature-rich PSD to WordPress integration services plus solutions.

PSD creation is time-consuming and also not mandatory for web development.

Our WordPress Professionals do the analysis of those designs and your website flow will develop a WordPress website for you with the latest design templates.

Final thoughts

Slowly but surely, responsive Web Design has become a dominant standard for building future-ready websites. Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, this PSD to WordPress and then to WP should surely provide you with the most simplified way of achieving your desired result. However, if you face any kind of problem in the PSD to WordPress conversion process, there are two things you can do.

You can hire a web developer on WP OnlineSupport for all customization services.