Case Study – Plugin Customization for iclublondon
About the Client Company
iClublondon is a London-based event listing company that provides users access to current and upcoming events. It offers a range of online tickets and club listing services, built for club venues, late-night bars, and promotors.
Client Needs & Requirements
iClublondon deals with venue listings as its primary service, so it becomes extremely important for them to show their venue list in the most engaging and effective way with better search experience and filter options and an improved interface to make it easier for the users to surf through the current and upcoming events and venues with accurate requirements.
Our Take On the Challenges
In order to integrate the required functionality and features mentioned by our clients, our WordPress Plugin Experts had to customize their event calendar plugin to extend its functionality and add features to it to meet the needs & requirements of our client.
To resolve all the challenges that our client was facing, we made drastic changes to our client’s event calendar plugin. On the venue category page, we integrated a map to show the venue location in an engaging and effective way. With each pin on the map showcasing the current venue, our intention was to display these venue descriptions as a popup when a pin is being clicked.
Along with the integration of the custom map, we also added search functionality to search venues and bars in the map itself. A category-wise venue filter was also added to the map by our WordPress Experts for a better search experience. When you hover over the venue pin on the map, an informative popup describing the venue details and a CTA regarding that venue was added too along with the venue category and venue listing.
Similar to the venue page, we have integrated a custom map to the event page to show the event calendar event pin. Filters like fate, cost, organization, venue, and event type were added for detailed search results with narrowed down requirements. On the right side of the map, a list showing the events was added which will be shown when a pin is being clicked, below the map are event category and event listings added to the event page.

Our Other Customized Solutions
Apart from customizing their plugin, we developed a custom venue landing page to display all venues along with their popup pins integrated into the map with category-wise filters and functionality to search venues and venue listings, according to the client’s requirements.
End Results
After making all the desired changes and fulfilling all the requirements, here are the end results.

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