WP Featured Content and Slider – WordPress Plugin
It is important that a visitor to your webpage sees what you want them to! In other words, what we call marketing is displaying your services or products to the visitors in a way that they sell.
For any business, it is essential to turn a visitor into a potential customer. But, how to do it? Well, if you run a blog or a website on WordPress, this is easier! WP Featured Content and Slider is such a wonderful plugin that does everything for you. With least efforts, you make great things!
What is the plugin all about?
As discussed, displaying products or services at proper place and time could be the key to success in your business. The free version of WP Featured Content and Slider by a renowned WordPress plugin developers Essential Plugin is the quickest and easiest way to put anything in places that attract the visitor. Anything that features your company, products, or services can be placed using a shortcode or a template code.
Displaying selected content at the proper place makes a huge difference in selling your products or services. Ergonomically, there are some places on the webpage where the visitors pay more attention and are likely to go for it.
A well-designed webpage with content focused on ‘sales’ can have this plugin to augment the chances of increasing sales, and thus flushing the business.
Unparalleled features of the WordPress Plugin
Like other plugins from WPOnlineSupport, WP Featured Content and Slider also has a myriad of user-friendly features that every webmaster love to use. Here are a few features to list:
Easy to install, setup and use
It is child’s play to install and setup the plugin. When installed, WP Featured Content and Slider adds a menu tab in WP Admin site labeled as ‘Featured Content PRO.’
This is where you can easily write the Title, Content, Link, and Image you want. Whatever you select will be displayed as a ‘featured content.’ You can also have awesome font icon that you can use to beautify your content.
Choose from many, enjoy the variants
WP Featured Content and Slider WordPress plugin come with 20 mind-blowing feature-rich designs that allow you to have eye-catching grids and sliders. You can change the designs and so look-and-feel periodically to keep your content fresh and not boring
Drag and Drop Function
You can display the content in any order you want. It has an easy drag and drop facility. Also, you can specify the order (category wise) using shortcodes. Add carousel and slide parameters to customize the plugin further.
With the features mentioned above and many more, WP Featured Content and Slider makes it a perfect plugin to enhance your website or blog in terms of sellable content.