Here’s Why You Should Not Install Too Many Plugins On Your Website
Websites require plugins to add value to it. Without plugins, the websites would be a preliminary place where no one would love to visit. If you are serious about your presence on the internet and are willing to make the best of your business or your work with your websites, plugins can help you exponentially but that doesn’t mean you should get carried away with it.
It’s a widely heard misconception in the WordPress Community that the more the plugins, the better would be the website and its functionality. Well, that’s definitely not the case and your website will be prone to a lot of issues, bugs and problems. I have listed some of them.
- Compatibility Issues
- Massive Increase in HTTP Requests
- Bloated Database
- Increasing Database Queries
- Security Breaches
- Plugins With Faulty Codes
1. Compatibility Issues
You are very much likely to encounter this problem as the more plugins you install, you are susceptible to compatibility issues since all plugins are not built in the same way. The plugins will start to break if the codes of two plugins don’t work well with each other.
Along with checking the compatibility of plugins with WordPress, you have to also check the compatibility of two plugins which are supposed to work with each other. If either one of them crashes or breaks it will make the other plugin to stop working too. Since not two plugins are written by the same developing team, it makes it very difficult to check the compatibility of two plugins.
We got 52+ awesome essential plugins which work flawlessly with each other as well with the top Plugins, Themes & Page Builders.
2. Massive Increase in HTTP Requests
A large number of plugins offer a wide variety of features and functionality for your website. These kinds of plugins need extra CSS styling and JavaScript in order to function and run properly, increasing the HTTP requests. Every time a HTTP request is sent, it utilizes your server’s resources, with more requests, more server’s resources will be utilized and your server will eventually crash.
We know that’s not what you want, when a visitor comes to visit your website, it should actually be functioning properly and smoothly.
With a lot of requests, it will take an ample amount of time to process making it a huge issue. WIth more HTTP requests you get, it will take longer to completely process these requests and will eventually decrease the loading speed of your website.
3. Bloated Database
With the increasing number of installed plugins on your database, the data of each plugin will be stored in your WordPress website’s database.
As your database as well as your server has a limited storage, this could be a severe problem, with a lot of information to store, your database will increase and at some point it will start bloating. And soon your database will start running inefficiently and will start to lag extensively making your website a sluggish one.
The main problems are the activated plugins but data of the deactivated plugins will still be stored in your WordPress website’s database.
4. Increasing Database Queries
Most of your website is stored in your WordPress database and every time your web page needs to load, it requests information from your database. These requests take time and resources. The more queries that are being sent to your database, the more the stress on your database and overall performance and speed of your website will start lagging.
5. Security Breaches
The greater would be the number of plugins installed on your WordPress website, the higher would be the security risks since there can be security holes in the plugins that you’re downloading by blind faith. This security hole can be breached by a hacker and could easily infiltrate and infect your website.
Even the best web developers can make some security related mistakes while writing codes for the plugin and that can lead to huge problems.
6. Plugins With Faulty Codes
No matter how great the plugin is and how skilled the developer can be, no codes can be completely perfect with zero bugs and problems. Each and every plugin will be having its fair share of issues and bugs that can cause some minor or major issues to your website or you can face compatibility issues and lead to your other plugin crashing because of the poorly coded plugin that you have downloaded.
These plugins can heavily damage your website without you realising it can be too late. When you’re using a poorly coded plugin, you are very likely to come across issues which can lead to severe problems to your WordPress website.
Final Thoughts
It’s always wise to understand the consequences of excessive use of plugins in a website. So the next time you are about to download a plugin, ask yourself if this plugin is really needed and would it add value to your website?