Inbound Marketing strategies with Countdown Timer Ultimate

When you own an online store, the thing you will majorly focus on is improving the sales and conversions of the website and turning those website visitors into customers. With more tactics to improve Inbound Marketing Strategies like popups, ad banners, email newsletters etc., Don’t miss out to read our blog about Inbound Marketing Tools.

People would do anything to attract visitors to their products. Proving best products has become a subject of the past. Now even a mediocre product or a service can do sales number if its marketing is done in the right way.

Effective Marketing Strategy

Everything is about marketing now, and it isn’t as easy as it seems to be. You have to have a campaign of any sorts to make it work. You have to aim for social media, ad banners to promote it, write blogs about it, let people know about it and that’s just the start of it.

Yupp, that’s just the start of it.

One of the effective marketing strategy is creating urgencies

If you create pressure on people about a product or a service by stating that

  1. The stock is going to finish SOON!
  2. The price is going to increase SOON!
  3. The product will be removed from the store SOON!
  4. The special offer is going to end SOON!
  5. We are about to launch a brand new product or services SOON!

This is one of the most effective ways of persuading people to buy because when you provide a certain time limit to something, it automatically increases the value and worth of that information.

Countdown Urgencies and Human Psychology

For instance, We are claiming to give away our secret to gain 10,000 sales with a single strategy, but the secret would be revealed for a short span of time. We can assure you that you would want to know what the secret is at any cost.

That’s human psychology and the marketing strategies are nothing but targeting humans based on psychology to showcase their product in the best possible manner.

So if you have a website and you would want to create such a curiosity and pressure, you would want to have a WordPress countdown plugin installed on your website

So What Exactly Does A Countdown Timer Plugin Do?

The countdown timer is one such massively effective marketing strategy to attract customers and make them aware of your products and their special offers. This strategy has been used all around the internet by various means and techniques throughout the years.

Countdown Timer Ultimate Plugin

With more than 20,000 Active Installs on, this plugin is the leading countdown timer plugin and is currently being used in a lot of websites to build widgets for countdowns.

Features of Countdown Timer Ultimate

  • Fully responsive
  • Lets you create unlimited countdown timers
  • Lets you create countdown in pages/posts
  • Works with Gutenberg shortcode block
  • Template code
  • Options to change background color and width
  • Options to change rotating circle background color and width
  • Options to change rotating circle background color and width
  • Options to change the text of days, hours, minutes and seconds or show/hide Days, hours, minutes and seconds
  • Option to set different background colors for days, hours, minutes and seconds

Final Thoughts

Inbound marketing can be a lot of things that you try to increase and boost sales, drive traffic and achieve conversions, Placing a countdown timer is one such way which has been proven effective for converting visitors into buyers and create a deeper impact of the brand on viewer’s mind.

With that being said, our Countdown TImer Ultimate WordPress Plugin will be perfect to increase conversions, sales and traffic to your websites if used in the most effective way and with other marketing strategies perfectly.