Recent Post Slider/Carousel

Display unlimited number of WordPress posts slider and carousel in a single page or post with different sets of options like category, limit, navigation type.

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What is Post Slider Plugin?

Recent Post Slider/Carousel plugin is a very effective part of your blog. It shows all the recent blog posts to catch up with the readers’ attention. Post slider plugin is the keystone and a perfect source to display your recent posts.

With a Post Slider you can show a part of your post in your slider like the title, the featured image, a short description and a button which navigates you directly to the post. With a slider you can grab your visitors’ attention and you can collect your posts into one place as well. It’s up to you what you want to show: the latest post, a post in a certain category.

For any serious blogger, it’s highly recommended to use a Post Slider to enrich their blog.

WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/Carousel displays your recent WordPress posts using Posts Slider, Posts Carousel, GridBox Slider with 50+ designs. This plugin also supports any custom post type as well.

How to install and activate WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/Carousel on your website?

WP Responsive Recent Post Slider is a cross-browser and responsive plugin for WordPress to display posts in a beautiful slideshow. It’s as best choice and the most eye-catching way to display Latest Posts.

Carousel for Responsive Recent Post Slider allows you to have thumbnails, title and content for your slides, adding a carousel for a richer user experience.

Check this link for complete doc showing how to install and setup :


A long time ago WordPress was only a blogging platform, but today it’s the most popular multipurpose CMS. There are still a huge amount of blog sites using WordPress, because it’s easy to install, learn and use, and it has all the features a blogger needs to have a nice and content rich blog.

With WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/Carousel you can easily set up a dynamic slider, and you can create your Post Slider with a few clicks.

WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/Carousel is an easy to use WordPress Plugin, it is user friendly and fully customizable. It’s the perfect choice for creating simple image sliders which look great on any site. For easy navigation you can create a thumbnail slider, and besides that, you can create even a WordPress carousel. If you have pages or posts, and you would like to highlight them in a slider, this plugin is the best choice for you.

Either you are creating a blog/news/magazine website OR corporate website this plugin play a very important  role.

Blog/News/Magazine Website: You can create a beautiful post slider/carousel category wise on your home page with 4 layouts and 50+ designs. If you have a blog site then you can highlight some important category post on top with the help of multiple layouts and designs.

Corporate website: You can display the most latest post on the home page with the help of this plugin.

Related post: Display related post on blog detail page in carousel view.

Here are the benefits of using our WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/Carousel plugin  on your website:

If you searched in the WP plugins directory earlier, you may have found a lot of slider plugins. Why should you choose WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/Carousel? Because with WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/Carousel you can set up your layout with 50+ designs, you can create a full width slider, it is fully responsive, and has more features than some advanced post slider plugins.

WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/Carousel is one of the best ways to display post slider and carousel because you can use following layouts:

Slider View gives you 25 designs. Also an option to enable thumbnails navigation in the right side to the slider.

Carousel View gives you 30 designs.

GridBox Slider  gives you 8 designs.

Custom post type options give you advantage to work this plugin with any custom post type. You have access to all content of your post: the featured image, the actual content, the URL, the post title, the categories, the tags, and you can create any layers to show them.

Category wise post display.

Gutenberg block and WP bakery page builder support.

Gutenberg Enable Support

Templating features allow you to override any this plugin design in your theme as per your need in your theme.

Widgets with 3 types of designs (Post slider and list)

Multiple Setting for slider/carousel configurations.

You can catch the visitors’ attention. Use it as a homepage slider, put a call to action button on it, and navigate to your post.

The content can dynamically change. You create it once, and if you create a new post, your slider will refresh automatically.

Highlight certain content. You can show your latest post in recognizable place.

Of course, you can create an unlimited number of dynamic sliders, carousel and gridbox sliders.

Best Practice Tips for Using WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/Carousel Plugin

Before you dive into creating a post slider/carousel , there are a few things to keep in mind:

1) Choose a Prominent Location: Place your post slider/carousel somewhere where people are going to see it — your homepage, blog pages, and blog detail page.

2) Choose the right layout and design: We know that any WordPress free or Pro theme or even a page builder gives this functionality. BUT they all come with basic layouts and limited designs. Using this plugin you need to choose a right layout and design then fit in your theme as per your need.