Tips To Set Featured Image Size In WordPress

Using a featured image on your blog posts and service pages is essential as it helps understand what your blog post is about. The same applies to your service pages because when you use an enticing featured image that summarizes what you have in store for your target customers. 

Why Is It Important To Use A Featured Image?

When you have the right image that conveys your business message or blog’s purpose, you will have increased chances of getting your pages or posts clicked. That’s also because featured images also appear on your social media feed when you share your posts or pages there. The same goes for your recent posts as these images appear as a thumbnail over there. Here, you can check Adding social proof matters the most, Install WP Testimonial and Widget.

A featured image quickly captures the attention of your target audience and since they are extremely important, the majority of WordPress themes enable the ‘featured image’ feature. WordPress featured image size becomes quite important here 

So, how do you go about it? 

Before we get down to how to change featured image size in WordPress, let’s first understand how to add a featured image in the first place. 

Steps To Set A Featured Image In WordPress 

WordPress is self-sufficient and is also touted to be the most user-friendly platform in the digital landscape. It is a cinch to set a featured picture in WordPress, so without further ado, let’s get the scoop on how to set a featured image in WP in just a few steps. 

  1. Head to the editor on your post or page. 
  2. Now open the settings panel by clicking on the gear icon you see. 
  3. Hunt for the ‘featured image’ option and click on ‘set featured image’. 
  4. It is pretty straightforward as now you can pick an image from your media library and upload it as the featured image. 
  5. Next up, add alternative text to your image to help search engines know what the image is about. Here you can add the image title and description. 

WordPress allows users to preview the image and if you need to replace your featured image with a different image, you can do that as well. 

What’s An Ideal WordPress Featured Image Size?

Like the majority of users, you must be wondering what’s an ideal featured image size in WordPress?

Recommended WordPress featured image size is 1200×600 pixels. It is very important to know different image sizes in WordPress if you want to maintain the quality of your image and the performance of your website. 

Not knowing WordPress image sizes isn’t a good idea as overlooking this aspect might result in distorted and bad quality featured images that would stick out like a sore thumb. It will not only screw up the user-experience, but also tarnish your brand image. 

WordPress Image Sizes At A Glance

Below are listed the 4 types of image sizes you must consider using on WordPress. 

  • Full-size images: The actual size of the image. 
  • Large-size images: 1024×1024 pixels (maximum)
  • Medium-size images: 300×300 pixels (maximum)
  • Thumbnail size: 150×150 pixels (maximum)

So, here comes the big question- how to change the featured image size in WordPress? Let’s glance through all the crucial steps you need to bear in mind to do so effectively. 

1. Pick The Right Image 

Starting on the right note is the key here and while you are looking to upload a featured image in WordPress, you gotta understand that it is not just another image you are going to upload. You gotta demonstrate maturity and adopt a strategic approach. 

No matter how good quality the image is, if that doesn’t serve as an apt visual representation of your content, it would be of no use. And hence, you must choose an image that’s relevant to your content. 

2. Do Not Ignore The Creative Commons License 

The majority of ignorant enterprises overlook this extremely critical aspect and end up in hot waters. If you are using an image you have the commercial rights to, it wouldn’t be an issue. Yes, you can use copyright-free images; however, you have to respect the intellectual property rights others have on their work. 

Copyright violations can cost you quite dearly and way more than you can imagine. It will also sabotage your brand repute, so you cannot ignore this aspect. 

3. Use The Right-Sized Image

We have highlighted the importance of understanding WordPress image sizes in one of the previous sections of this post. 

So, let’s do this real quick! 

Head to the appearance section of your admin dashboard and check out the featured image options the theme has for you. 

You can sure change the default image sizes in WordPress if that’s the only option you have in case your theme doesn’t offer any. 

Look for the ‘Settings’ option and then head to ‘Media’. 

You will find a whole array of options here and overwrite the default sizes for large, medium, and thumbnail images. 

Simply hit ‘Save changes’ and you are good to go. 


Using the right featured image size in WordPress is of utmost significance. Make sure that you pick a relevant image and pay attention to the image size. You might not want to forget search engines in the process and for this purpose, you must add alt text, title, and description. For more information related to featured photos or WordPress featured image size plugins, feel free to connect with us.

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