WordPress blog has been bloggers’ apple of an eye

WordPress blog has been bloggers’ apple of an eye since years. A myriad of user-friendly features, eye-catching designs, and easy-to-update software make it the best blogging platform. WordPress blogs have been used by hundreds of thousands of people all around the world. Essential Plugin brings you mind-boggling themes, widgets, and plugins that enhance your blog and make it attractive.

WP Blog and Widgets

The popularity of a blog depends on its content and design. While content can be outsourced and updated from anywhere, the design should be carefully chosen so that it lasts longer. Frequent change in the designs may make visitors lose their interest. Plugins are a very useful tool to adorn your WordPress blog or website.

The unique plugin of WP and Widgets by Essential Plugin enables you to manage and display blog and widget on your website. The best part of this WP plugin is it enables the webmaster to display the latest blog posts on the homepage as well as inner pages. Depending on the SEO techniques, the latest content can be put anywhere so as to bring in more traffic and retain the visitors on the web page or blog.

What all features WordPress Blog and Widgets has?

The best-in-class features of the WP Blog and Widgets by Essential Plugin are mentioned below:

1. Dozens of designs for grid layouts:

Over 50 different types of mesmerizing designs for grid layouts are available with this theme. This means that you can change the design periodically while keeping the same content. The designs are developed by the same developers keeping the theme in mind, and that is why, when you change the theme or design, it may not look totally off the context. In-built theme options have always made a blog better.

2. Slider and Carousel layout:

Sliders make a huge difference in look and feel of the web page. When you install WP Blog and Widgets from Essential Plugin, you unlock 45 stunning designs for carousel and slider layout. Sliders can have different content and taglines to show various products or services to offer. It is observed that sliders can convert a visitor into a potential customer through their content. You can leverage the benefits of more than 40 sliders from this WordPress blog plugin.

3. The list, grid box slider, and box slider:

Grids and grid boxes add an appeal to the overall look of a blog. Use of over 25 marvelously crafted designs for the list, grid box slider, and grid box. A visual appeal can do a miracle, and your blog may witness huge human traffic that in turn, help ranks your website higher in the SERPs.

4. Salient features of WP Blog and Widgets

Other than important or main features of the tool, WPOnlineSupport brings you some of the most useful salient features of WP Blog and Widgets. They all sum up to make this product like no other on the entire WP store.

  • To enhance the list view, WP OnlineSupport offers you eight eye-catching designs for list view. Variety in list view helps make the blog look more attractive and thus it enhances the chances of visitor’s retention on the website. And, more the retention of the visitors, more is the rank of the website or blog on the search engine result pages (SERPs).
  • Eight different designs for news grid box slider reforms the news’ display which is far more appealing than traditional news grid box. Displaying news is one of the effective ways to engage and retain the visitors on the web page or blog.
  • Customizing the page is easier than ever before with WP Blog and Widgets. The WordPress blog can be tailored better with visual composer page builder support. WP Blog and Widgets comes with additional page building support.
  • Shortcodes make things easier for webmasters so that they can further customize the web page according to their business or personal objectives. WP Blog and Widgets comes with six shortcodes. This way, it is easier to add a function to the tool.
  • RTL support is important for any tool when it comes to a WordPress blog. The product comes with a slider RTL support.
  • Pagination makes the content easily accessible. With this marvelous tool, you can hide or show slider pagination for better navigation. With this navigation, a visitor can go for more content or next slide manually. You also have an option to show or hide the arrows for the manual navigation of the sliders.
  • One of the biggest problems observed on many websites or blogs is their sliders are either too fast or too slow. The former situation leaves the visitor with no clue, whereas the latter makes the slider boring. Adding insult to injury, with too fast or too slow, the purpose of content is not served as it is difficult to convey the message. With slider autoplay and speed interval, you can have control over the slider speed.
  • With control over the display of the number of the posts, you can decide how many posts are to be displayed. Depending on the space available, you can decide on the total number of the posts to be placed.
  • The order of the post can be rearranged. It is just a matter of drag and drop. Make any post on the top, and you can change the order later.
  • In case you don’t want a particular category to be displayed, you can exclude it. Of course, you can change the setting anytime and include it.
  • The order of the blog posts could be ascending or descending. You may decide the order depending on the posts and their subjects.
  • WP Blog and Widgets supports multi-language. You can opt for various languages depending on the geotarget you aim for.
  • The code of the tool is written with WordPress standards. This way, the WordPress blog with WP Blog and Widget is the best in class. It is easier for a webmaster or WP developer to understand the code and further customize it according to the company’s objective.

Essential Plugin develops the latest themes, plugins, and widgets for a WordPress blog. You can install these useful tools to make your blog more sellable.