WordPress Team Showcase Plugin Customizations
A Classy Way to Represent the Pretty and Handsome Talented Faces in Your Team!
Is John in your team known for his amazing inputs in your projects? Is Sara the best employee in your company? But then, what’s the point of having such a brilliant bunch of team members when you’re not letting the world know about them?
A team is the pride of an organization which everyone likes to boast about and one must, in fact, showcase it using Team Showcase plugin.
We, WPOnlineSupport, the pioneer in making feature-rich WordPress Plugins with 300K+ WordPress Plugins Active installs and 20K+ Plugins sale, are always on our feet to make things easy for the customers. With that objective in whatever we create, we go any extent in making things the perfect 100.
Coming back to the point, the plugin that we recently polished is Team Showcase plugin which lets you display the information of your team members and working force in the form of pictures and details in more than 25 attractive and cool layouts that you either make them pop, slide, hover or present them the way you like.
Let The Faces Of Your Company Be Known
As the different customers asked for the customization in the WordPress Team Showcase plugin we did the same and use it by various businesses.
We have the ability to customize any third party plugin from any simple to complex level with minimum effort and economic price. For more information about the customization, plan Click Here
The Challenge
Enough of the suspense, the challenge that we took upon ourselves was to develop a code to add particular customization into the WordPress Team Showcase Plugin, developed from scratch by our own in-house talented team of developers.
Before you give us applause, check out the customizations that we did to make the plugin a show-stopper.
- Clicking on the thumbnail image would now open a pop-up window where you can display the content and details related to that image.
- We added a custom URL link for each image/team member, that would redirect them to the specific custom page associated with that image/team member.
- We made the necessary changes so that you can set the default size of the image as per your requirements.
- You can now give the zoom effect to the images at the center and make them more visible to the users.
- You will able to now display the post entries without the ASC or DESC and arrange and re-order them using simple and drop.
- We even developed custom CSS files as per the custom changes in CSS as demanded by the customers.
- And lastly, the bumper one, to make your site more creative, we have added various responsive design options and themes for the default template and popup window, that can be set as per your design preferences.
Now you can give us a big round of applause or better, get the WordPress Team Showcase plugin now or the best, get a bunch of plugins along with it by picking one of our plans.
Just imagine how much of applauding and exposure will you get upon Introducing your team on your website with these customizations.
In a nutshell
The WP Team Showcase plugin will be a golden addition to your website. The benefit of adding extra styles to your page such as image borders, responsive layouts, shadow styles, grayscale, etc. apart from the mentioned functionalities is nothing less than a jackpot, what do you think?
We have developed this plugin keeping in mind the future upgrades and changes that can possibly happen to WordPress and have faith on both our plugin and team that this newly developed code will be compatible with all future updates.
That’s all folks!