Spice up the customer engagement, install WP news and scrolling widget.

Reading Newspapers in 2019, are you kidding!!!!!

The newspaper stuff is an old thing! The latest trend is reading the news online. How many of us are active with the routine of reading news having a cup of tea? Well, the current generation is running out of time.

We are looking forward to the 25th hour in our lives for feeling the holiday leisure of reading the newspaper holding a tea-mug in another hand. Not to forget, social media platforms are also a great source for getting a daily hunt of news.

Adding News Widget can add-up a lot of spice and engagement on your WordPress Website.

We have recently added a Video on YouTube that describes the major features of our plugin, ‘WP news and scrolling widget’. Here’s what you should not miss; the plugin is currently our most installed plugins and has always received great feedback from our clients for displaying news in the most creative format.

Before we began with the News plugin features, here’s the download link, click here for installing WP news and scrolling widget. Either you can visit WordPress.org or can surf plugins at WPonlinesupport.com for downloading the free version of the plugin. You will also find a great aid on these websites about the installation process.

WP News and Scrolling Widget is a necessity invention done by our company a long time back. We were developing a WordPress News Website and were looking for some news plugin to enhance the website’s performance. We couldn’t find a single news plugin catering our requirement, and hence, we developed one, which is ‘WP news and scrolling widget’.

Now, let me discuss the features of this plugin for which it is quite popular and successful.

  • WP News and scrolling widget is primarily divided into three designs, i.e., Masonry, Grid and Carousel.
  • All together these designs are available in 50 unique styles, which are quite enough to choose from.
  • To add upon, these three designs, i.e., masonry, grid and carousel, can also be customised with news stickers and various animation effects.

The USP of this plugin is the slider autoplay and speed interval that helps you to set the slider in the autoplay mode with the interval speed decided by you. Imagine the automatic slider movement of the most important news displayed on your WordPress website.

If you are worried about the language part, I would like to share that this news plugin is 100% Multilanguage plugin with drop and drag post-order change and custom CSS editor features. You can also use powerful shortcode tools for extending the plugin utility. Check the installation link for more details by visiting Essential Plugin.

P.S: It just takes a few minutes to makeover your website’s performance.